This CUSTOM Bighorn is a phenomenal example of some of the WONDERFUL features you can add to your Bighorn! This one has 20′ living quarters, U-shaped dinette in slide-out, sofa, rear kitchen, & a BUNK ROOM behind the restroom, which has 2 bunk beds, 2 televisions, a light switch for each bed, and it’s own door (to get outside).
This one also has the LUXURIOUS amenities people love about our Bighorns and is shown in a 5-horse!
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Custom Bunk Room Trailer
The 2-Bedroom BEHEMOTH Bighorn BH8X23T2S
The Behemoth Bighorn features 23′ of living quarters and is highlighted by having 2-bedrooms, 2 slide-outs, 2 ceiling fans, & 3 TVs, making this a trailer the entire family can enjoy, while still allowing plenty room and privacy for life on the road.
As with every Bighorn, the Behemoth includes unrivaled standard features, as well as endless options. That, coupled with the size and luxurious amenities in this floor plan, makes the Behemoth your MANSION away from home!
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#LakotaTrailers #LakotaFOREVER
Side Load Charger C8X11 | Lakota Trailers
This SIDE LOAD Charger is one AWESOME trailer . . . its UNRIVALED value is just icing on the cake! Lakota Trailers does whatever we can to make sure you are completey satisfied with your trailer. The Rear Side Load option is a feature for most Lakota Trailers.
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How To Dewinterize Your Lakota | Lakota Trailers
FINALLY! Spring has officially sprung, the sun is out, and we can actually start traveling again! We DEFINITELY paid our dues with the frigid weather, and WE DESERVE THIS!
Here’s a step by step instruction video from Lakota’s very own AJ Schuler on how to dewinterize your horse trailer, so you can prepare for your next road trip!
Please call if you have any questions about these steps at (888) 4-LAKOTA.
#LakotaTrailers #LakotaService #Dewinterizing #DewinterizeHorseTrailer #HorseTrailerService
How To Winterize Your Horse Trailer
The weather is absolutely FRIGID in many parts of the United States and Canada. Under such conditions, it is EXTREMELY important to winterize your horse trailer.
Here’s a step by step instruction video from Lakota’s very own AJ Schuler on how to winterize your horse trailer.
Please call if you have any questions about these steps at (888) 4-LAKOTA.
Also see our video on DEWINTERIZING your horse trailer:
#LakotaTrailers #LakotaService #Winterizing #WinterizeHorseTrailer #HorseTrailerService